The Priority of Synchronic Text-analysis: Cognitive Text Comprehension and Interpreting Deuteronomy 4:1–40

Terry R. Wardlaw


This investigation first notes the differences between the outlook of more traditional, Enlightenment exegesis and the general approach advocated by Eep Talstra and Christof Hardmeier. Second, following the observations of C.H.J. Van Der Merwe, I outline salient features from Walter Kintsch‘s cognitive model of text comprehension as the theoretical foundation for adjudicating between exegetical models. Third, I present the notions of profile and domain from cognitive semantics, and then relate them to the level of discourse as a means for identifying overarching meaning constructions via extra-canonical intertextuality. Fourth, I use this theoretical model to compare and contrast Talstra‘s diachronic analysis of Moses‘ discourse in Deut 4:1-40 with the reading of J.G. McConville. Thus, the theoretical foundation is laid for identifying and articulating the effect of extra-canonical intertextuality on the construction of meaning in Biblical exegesis for Bible translation, for teaching, and for preaching.

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